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Bitcoin update

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

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The two key dates to watch are the 24th June and the 5th July and also the 18th August which could turn out be main Top if price begins to move up . At this point the 24th June could setup as Low so it may be prudent to wait for this date to come in and then a few days beforehand we can qualify the position of the market and determine if we are setting up for either Low or Top into that point then the next date is the 5th July and the next important date is the 18th August which could turn out to be main Top . On the 6th July Geo Mercury will be at Maximum North Declination turning South crossing through the Celestial Equator on the 27th August which is ten days past our target date of the 18th August .

There are two Curves presented below outlining the projected direction so once we move into these dates we will be able to determine what Curve we are running against and position in the prevailing direction of the trend .

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Jun 18, 2022

Looks like price is heading for a 24 June low towards 15747.

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