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SP500 Curve containing two Minor Dates

Here is the updated bar chart where we could find Low on the 18th - 19th April and our two price targets to watch were outlined in my previous post so pay close attention to those points . If the 18th April holds as Low main trend could be up till the 18th May where Main Top is indicated and as detailed within the price curve there are two additional dates to monitor so I will update those two points as we lead into them and them we should be able to determine if those dates are setting up as either Top or Bottom and if they give us an opportunity to either take some profits or use them as a tool to position in the direction of the prevailing trend . Soon I will explain how we can use these target dates as a tool to either take some profit on a movement or in this case as the Main trend is indicated up till around the 18th May we should be looking and waiting for one of those dates to come in as counter trend low which may give us an opportunity to buy back into the projected uptrend .

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Apr 19, 2022

Are these charts drawn to scale? For example…the 27/28 April high in SPX is shown as higher than the 29 March high. Is that the expectation in terms of price level as well? Thanks!

Apr 19, 2022
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Good question . At this point in time it is a bit difficult to quantify precise targets that could occur on certain dates . My main objective is to identify forward based timing dates where a change in trend is indicated . it looks like the 18th April has setup as Low at 4370 which is two points above my 4368 price target . From here once the Low has been confirmed I will calculate some potential price levels to monitor as we move up but please bear in mind these are just price targets to monitor not specific levels set in stone . As we approach the next Cycle date we will be in a clearer position to refine…

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