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SP500 Update

Looks like we will make Low on the 9th Dec. Initial calculations pointed towards a Top occurring on this date but after the last few sessions a Low into this date looks more plausible. It is very Important to wait for these dates to draw closer before taking any action and in this example I had the 9th Dec listed as a significant turning point. The curve indicated Top but with the market moving down heavily into this date it looks like we will instead set up for low into this point . I always trade out of the cycle dates as it is a safer process. The market will usually confirm its position as it is leading into these points and usually a few days before hand we can determine if the market is either setting up for high or low so please be patient and wait for these dates to approach before taking any action . If we do trade lower keep an eye on these three levels. 3887 will balance the previous downside range so that will be the first zone to watch then 3857 and 3835 so if we make low on any of those points on the 9th Dec we should be geared for a decent move up . These levels can be marked on your screens as target points to watch.

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