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SP500 update

Updated: May 10, 2022

4043 could be a good entry point but ensure a stop is placed just below this point - currently about 15 points off this level so I will post this now and elaborate soon

This may only be a short term move so be careful - 11th May has another Minor Cycle coming in so if we move up for the next two days into this point it could be a good point to take some profits as there is a possibility that it may setup as counter trend top and drop into the 18th May for final Low so I will watch the pattern of trend leading into this date and if we trade lower than the 11th we could be down into the 18th - or if we break through the 11th and move higher we could be up to the 18th May which is the less likely probability so I will wait for that 11th May intersection to approach and then we will know which way we are moving into the 18th

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sravan kumar
sravan kumar
May 05, 2022

You lost me here. Is 6th may likely counter trend top and not 12th May?


May 05, 2022

If 18th is indeed the low, what would be the possible path for SPX in June/July? thanks.

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